Irena Pohl Houkalová
Director of the Magdalena Kožená Foundation
Creative Director of the ZUŠ Open National Festival
+420 602 227 740
The projects of the Magdalena Kožená Foundation are designed to comprehensively support art schools, including financing projects, providing methodological assistance, developing educational programs, connecting art education with practice, and advocating for and fostering collaboration between schools.
Ambassador of Art and Education
The topic of basic art schools has always been close to the world-renowned mezzo-soprano Magdalena Kožená. As a graduate of a basic art school, she fondly and gratefully remembers her first steps in her artistic journey. These positive memories and the recognition of the importance of nurturing children's artistic development grew into a clear decision to dedicate part of her life to this cause, focusing on supporting this unique system that is simultaneously strong and fragile in its exceptionality.
Magdalena Kožená Foundation
In 2016, opera singer Magdalena Kožená decided to personally support the basic art schools in the Czech Republic by establishing a foundation aimed at building the position of art schools as a prestigious and unique system of modern art education. The foundation systematically contributes to the further growth of artistic talent and supports art schools in their artistic and educational activities. A significant part of the foundation's activities also includes supporting art schools in identifying and developing artistically gifted children and youth, whose lives are accompanied by health or social disadvantages. The co-patron of the foundation is the general director of the Czech Philharmonic, David Mareček.
Basic art schools play a key role in the field of art education and the shaping of young talents. The projects of the Magdalena Kožená Foundation are designed to comprehensively support art schools, including financing projects, providing methodological assistance, developing educational programs, connecting art education with practice, and advocating for and fostering collaboration between schools.
"Basic art schools are the roots of our culture, of our love for art. On a global scale, they are a unique educational system that must be cherished, developed, and supported."
Magdalena Kožená
Goals of the Magdalena Kožená Foundation:
The goals of the Magdalena Kožená Foundation are achieved through projects.
ZUŠ Open – From Happening to a Respected Artistic Festival
The ZUŠ Open national festival is the largest festival of art education and a cultural event in the Czech Republic. The festival, under its brand, also holds other projects outside the main festival dates. ZUŠ Open is a festival celebrating shared joy and respect for the unique system of basic art education, whose goal is to develop art schools as a modern educational system that connects art education with practice, impacting the broad development of students and teachers. The main festival program runs over two weeks in 350 cities across the Czech Republic and offers programs for the general public across all disciplines and genres—music, dance, theater, and visual arts. Under the patronage and in collaboration with singer Magdalena Kožená and various artists and cultural institutions, it showcases the work and best practices of basic art schools. Festival Partners include: Prague Spring International Music Festival, Smetana’s Litomyšl, Czech Philharmonic, National Gallery, Concentus Moraviae, Brno Music Marathon, and many other significant institutions.
The festival's program brings carefully curated performances representing collaboration between schools and their partners in various regions, as well as individual school productions. The highlight of the festival is the traditional ZUŠ Open national showcase in the Senate at the Wallenstein Garden, where 1,000 performers represent all regions of the Czech Republic. In 2024, the festival presented performances in 350 cities with 530 artistic productions featuring 150,000 performers, including students, teachers, and professional artists. In 2022, the ZUŠ Open festival closed the Czech presidency of the Council of the EU with two gala concerts in the European Parliament.
Festival productions also include the series ZUŠ Open Helps, which showcases selected art projects by art schools supporting those in need. This series is a platform for presenting the “Without Prejudices, Without Barriers” project of the Magdalena Kožená Foundation, contributing to the education of children in social responsibility through art.
Why support the ZUŠ Open national festival of the Magdalena Kožená Foundation?
In 2016, the first Gala for the Magdalena Kožená Foundation took place to gain the first supporters and financial resources for the newly established foundation. Through this gala, the founder and patron made clear her personal commitment to supporting art schools. This marked the beginning of the tradition of regular benefit concerts, featuring the personal participation of the singer. Over the years, students from art schools across the country have participated in these concerts, offering them the unique opportunity to experience the atmosphere of performing alongside the foundation’s founder.
We warmly invite you to the Benefit Concert of Magdalena Kožená and Basic Art Schools on May 14, 2025, which will open the ZUŠ Open national festival.
A look back at previous years:
Gala for the Magdalena Kožená Foundation (2016)
This project focuses on artistic and educational collaborations between art schools and partners from special education and non-profit organizations dedicated to charity, social work, and support.
We help by:
Since 2020, we have been organizing or supporting the following projects and collaborating with these organizations:
Our Challenge
Sensitivity to the needs of others, supporting those in need through our skills, art education, and collaboration with them. Become our partner, help us fulfill this essential message, and spread the awareness that art has the power to help, break down barriers, and strengthen mutual understanding.
Talent is a rare gift and an essential part of success in art education. The Knights of Talent project primarily focuses on areas where state resources and those of our partners fall short. Our partner for individual support of children and young people under 18 is the Patron of Children project, which has helped write many stories with happy endings.
Become a Knight of Talent and support:
We support additional activities of art schools. We aim to help basic art schools expand their offerings of educational and artistic activities beyond the existing curriculum and the financial possibilities of public funding (MAP templates, school founder grants, etc.) or contributions from parents.
We help art schools with:
We support small art schools. Many small art schools, often located in socially disadvantaged areas, face numerous challenges that may hinder their development and ability to provide quality art education to talented youth in these regions. The “Give Art Schools a Chance” project is designed to strengthen these schools and provide them with the tools to overcome obstacles preventing them from reaching their full potential.
Together with our partners, we support:
Together with our professional partner Asociace základních uměleckých škol, we engage in strategic negotiations and activities to strengthen the promotion and protection of the existential and economic interests of basic art schools, the development of quality, and the awareness of the importance of art education in the Czech Republic.
Since 2016, we have been helping art schools with presentations and fostering collaborations:
We actively collaborate with:
Clarinet Factory ve spolupráci a za finanční podpory Nadačního fondu Magdaleny Kožené pro žáky a pedagogy pražských ZUŠ a Středočeského kraje v rámci projektu Rytíři talentů NFMK nabízí workshopy a semináře. Ve dnech 8.-11. května 2025 se v ZUŠ Ilji Hurníka uskuteční společné zkoušení s dětmi a nácvik koncertního repertoáru na případné koncerty v květnu. Přihlášky spolu s CV je možné podávat do 14.2.2025 na email: a Bližší informace najdete v příloze.
The Magdalena Kožená Foundation would like to wish you a Merry Christmas, a well-deserved extended holiday, and a successful start to the New Year 2025.
As part of the collaboration with Czech Photo, we bring an opportunity for visual arts students – young photographers to join the accompanying program of the opening concert by Magdalena Kožená and ZUŠ on May 14, 2025. An open-air photo exhibition featuring students from elementary art schools on the theme Life at ZUŠ will be installed in the park at Karlín Square around the Church of St. Cyril and Methodius, where the concert will take place.
In collaboration with Czech Press Photo and ČTK, we are preparing a photographic exhibition that will also serve as a teaser for the joint concert, the ZUŠ Open festival, and give a glimpse into the "behind-the-scenes" of work at ZUŠ. We will have 14 double-sided panels available – the ideal scenario would be to present photos from all 14 regions. The final photos will be 120x100 cm in size. Therefore, it is necessary to submit photos by March 15, 2025, in the largest possible size and resolution – ideally in TIFF or JPG format, with a size between 2–20 MB. The final selection of photos will be made in cooperation with Czech Photo, which will also support some participants through a workshop with one of the leading photographers.
If you are interested, please contact us at: You can also send photos via Úschovna or another large-file transfer application to this address.
Further details can be found in the attached document here.
The Magdalena Kožená Foundation is announcing an audition for a shortened version of H. Purcell's opera Dido and Aeneas. The performance will take place on Thursday, May 29, 2025, at the ZUŠ Open festival at Lysice Castle and in August 2025 as part of LHAK Kroměříž. In addition to students from elementary art schools, our Knights of Talent—top creators of authentic baroque music interpretation—will participate.
We are looking for young singers from ZUŠ who want to experience this exceptional opportunity!
The audition will be held on two dates: Wednesday, January 29, and Thursday, January 30, 2025, in Brno.
For more information, please visit:
We look forward to seeing you!
On Thursday, December 12, a benefit Advent concert was held at the Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord in support of the Patron of Children endowment fund. The event featured performances by the ČSDN Double Reed Ensemble, the EN ARCHÉ chamber choir, and the premiere of the carol Panenka Maria composed by Gabriela Vermelho.
The goal of the benefit concert was to support Linda, a 17-year-old girl born with autism spectrum disorder, who is exceptionally talented at playing the harp. Linda dreams of studying harp at the conservatory, and passing her entrance exam would be a life-changing achievement for her.
You can learn more about her story and contribute to Linda’s journey toward her dream [here].
We thank everyone who was part of this beautiful evening and who continues to help us make a difference.
Special thanks to photographer Petra Hajská for capturing the event’s magic in her wonderful photographs.
We are pleased to announce that the Magdalena Kožená Endowment Fund (NFMK) will distribute an additional CZK 70,000 from the public collection for flood relief to support elementary art schools affected by the devastating floods.
This brings the total amount allocated for this cause to CZK 370,000 this year. The public collection will remain open for this purpose until December 15, 2024. After this date, the funds will be redirected to new projects and initiatives in support of schools and other activities of the endowment fund.
We are honored that, as part of the collaboration with Prague Sounds, two talented students from ZUŠ Jižní Město and ZUŠ Králíky had the opportunity to perform at the concert on December 4, 2024, at Žofín Palace in Prague. This was an invaluable experience and opportunity for them.
Photography: Petr Šola
This year, the Magdalena Kožená Endowment Fund (NFMK) has once again prepared a series of Advent concerts to mark the end of the year, and we warmly invite you to join us:
The professional partner of the Magdalena Kožená Foundation is the Asociace základních uměleckých škol
The operation of the Magdalena Kožená Foundation has been fully funded by a generous donation from the Sirius Foundation since 2024.
We thank our partners for supporting our projects.
Umělecká rada základních uměleckých škol, Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy, Národní pedagogický institut, Ministerstvo kultury ČR, Senát Parlamentu ČR, Nadace Sirius, Patron dětí, Česká filharmonie, festivals Maraton hudby Brno, Concentus Moraviae, MHF Pražské jaro, Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity Palackého Olomouc, Asociace konzervatoří ČR, Akademie múzických umění v Praze, Janáčkova akademie múzických umění v Brně, Hudební škola a gymnázium Hlavního města Prahy, INSEA, Společnost pro hudební výchovu and many more.
Česká televize
Český rozhlas
Katolický týdeník
If you are interested in more information, the director of the foundation Irena Pohl Houkalová will be available to you personally:, and Zuzana Minaříková will also be happy to provide you with any information:
The projects of the Magdalena Kožená Foundation cannot be realized without the support of donors. We would be honored to welcome you into our community. If you are interested in more information, the director of the foundation, Irena Pohl Houkalová, is available to assist you personally at You can also contact Zuzana Minaříková for further details at You may also contact the board of trustees of the Magdalena Kožená Foundation.
How Can I Support the Magdalena Kožená Foundation?
How to Make a Financial Contribution?
You can contribute directly to the Magdalena Kožená Foundation account 8462353018/2700, VS: 1, using the QR code. Upon request, we are happy to issue a receipt or prepare a donation agreement.
Would you like to specify how your donation should be used?
Would you like to support a specific art school or partner organization of the Magdalena Kožená Foundation directly? Do you have a specific goal for your donation?
Please do not hesitate to contact us directly.
Magdalena Kožená Foundation
Head Office: Polní 6, 639 00 Brno
ID No.: 048 45 293
Account No.: 2112623041/2700 UniCredit Bank
(Correspondence Address)
Opletalova 919/5
110 00 Prague 1
The founder and patron of the foundation is Magdalena Kožená.
The Board of Trustees of the Magdalena Kožená Endowment Fund:
Irena Pohl Houkalová
Director of the Magdalena Kožená Foundation
Creative Director of the ZUŠ Open National Festival
+420 602 227 740
Martina Svobodová
Deputy Director, Secretary of the Foundation
Project Coordinator
+420 723 166 346
Zuzana Minaříková
Production Manager, Donor Care
Project Coordinator
+420 603 818 635
Sylvie Tomsová
Assistant to the Director, Office Manager
+420 725 441 853
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